Zhutian (Skye) Yang

Zhutian Yang

Hello! My name is Skye and I'm a PhD student in robotics at MIT. I develop algorithms for solving multi-step manipulation problems in geometrically complex environments. I use a combination of deep learning and task and motion planning (TAMP) methods.

I'm co-advised by Leslie Pack Kaelbling and Tomás Lozano-Pérez in the Learning and Intelligent Systems group. I'm currently a part-time research intern at Toyota Research Institute (TRI), Robotics division, Large Behavior Models team. I was an ex-NVIDIA intern in the Seattle Robotics Lab. I obtained bachelor's degree in information engineering and media at NTU, Singapore.

Zhutian Yang Aha


Robots planning long-horizon behavior, such as unpacking grocery bags and heating up the takeouts, must be able to plan quickly and execute robustly in semantically rich, geometrically complex environments. I've worked on the following problems in the field of robot learning and planning:



For What it's Worth